is a new site for rugby fans that will provide thoughtful, current and sometimes entertaining articles about rugby from around the world. There will be a growing stream of regular contributors, articles from other sources featured, book reviews, interviews …. plenty of stuff to keep the fans reading.
The site is curated by Malcolm Anderson, a kiwi based in Canada. His father Max played rugby for Pirates in Dunedin until he broke his neck. He survived, just, but it changed his life and had a massive effect on Malcolm’s growth over the years. The Canadian kiwi has got up far too many times to count in the early, early mornings in Canada to watch live rugby in NZ and Australia.
Malcolm was part of the media for the 2019 Rugby World Cup in Japan, attending and reporting on matches there as he tried to master the incredible train and subway systems. He is writing a book on the future of rugby, and played rugby in the best position possible, which, of course, is fullback.
If you have any questions, or ideas you’d like share, or to ask about writing an article for the website, or suggestions for new content that we should consider writing, please write to
Malcolm Anderson